Welcome to our Notary and Apostille Services, proudly serving the Greater Los Angeles County! Call or Text us now for immediate assistance.
Our traveling notary public can be at your door within an hour, ready to help you wherever you are—be it hospitals, businesses, homes, or even film locations. We’re here to make your notary needs convenient and accessible!
Reliable Notary Public
Services Delivered by Qualified Professionals
Reliable Notary Public
Services Delivered by Qualified Professionals

Traveling Notary Public and Apostille Services
Mobile Notary Public Signature
- Courthouses
- Jails
- Prisons
- Hospitals
- Aftercare Facilities
- Nursing Homes
- Private Residences
- Businesses
- Coffee Shops
1. Sworn Statement
2. Quitclaim Deed
3. Statement of Consent (for application for Passport for child under age 16)
4. Application for Duplicate
or Paperless Title
5. Power of Attorney
6. Deed of Trust
7. Release and Waiver
8. Parental Consent for Travel
9. Affidavit of Forgery
10. Assignment
11. Certificate of Authorship
12. Certificate of Identity
13. Plea Form
14. Rental Agreement
15. Grant Deed
16. Deed of Trust
17. Compliance Agreement
18. Name Affidavit
19. Copy Certification By
Document Custodian
20. Durable Power of Attorney
21. Power of Attorney for Health Care/Advance Health Care Directive
22. Spousal Waiver
23. Demand Letter
24. Guaranty
25. Contract
26. Student Enrollment Verification
27. Amendment to Revocable Trust
28. Intercreditor Agreement
29. Modification Agreement
30. Subordination Agreement
31. Resignation of Trustee
32. Unclaimed Property Form
33. Authorization
34. Living Trust
35. Bill of Sale
36. OCI Documentation
37. Minor Passport Form
38. I-9 Form (in an authorized representative capacity)
39. Marriage License